Security AI Video

Video threat detection tool

Empower the private security industry with next-generation AI solutions.

Security shield over login and password data, banks and digital. Illustration by Freepik Storyset

Security with AI

Private security has been challenged to become more pervasive, more ubiquitous, and more active.

In pursuit of these improvements, it is not uncommon to implement solutions based on professionals that greatly increase the cost of the service provider, which reflects in the final price for customers, or in loss of profitability.

This dilemma has pushed quality private security to the wealthiest segments of society and limited the supply of these premium services to immense market layers.


In the last decade, the evolution of artificial intelligence and cloud computing has enabled real-time video analysis with affordable performance and cost. That is, the interpretation of adverse events, without the need for a human observer, paved the way for new operating and business models in private security.

Scylla has met this market. It started its operations in 2018 in Austin, Texas. Since then, with the use of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, it has proposed to create solutions for detecting objects, actions and behavior anomalies.

Security shield over login and password data, banks and digital. Illustration by Freepik Storyset

Detection Modules

The modules that make up this platform are:

Computers uploading data to a server over the internet. Illustration by Freepik Storyset
  • Object detection
  • Intrusion detection and perimeter protection
  • Behavior recognition
  • Object traceability
  • Traffic flow analysis
  • Drone security
  • Thermal screening
  • Facial recognition
  • Person search
  • False alarm filter

Scylla understands the value of human life and strictly holds its values across all geographies. Its solutions are free of gender, racial and ethnic bias and the focus is on protecting innocent lives from threats, including high-impact ones such as terrorist attacks.

Siena Company Logo
Scylla and Siena Company have created several platform acquisition models to suit everyone.

The first step towards acquiring a Scylla solution is a presentation of the platform followed by an identification of the customer's needs.

Demonstration of the product and pilot projects are usually the next steps until the final purchase.

Contact Siena Company today for a quote.
